Friday, February 25, 2011


9am- arrival and opening ceremony
10am- slot 1 + Q&A
12pm- lunch+ zohor prayer + (Asar)
1.15pm- slot 2 + Q&A
2.30pm- slot 3 + Q&A
3.45pm- Break + asar
4.15pm- sharing
6pm- end of evening session
8pm- practical session
10.30pm- end

1.Medical talk
1. Doctor’s life and challenges
(include: Probable challenges in Malaysia, specialist’s life, differences between senior and junior doctors)
2. Doctors, welfare and social activism
3. Career development and Progression (how to choose a specialty/career)
4. Work and family balance
5. Life as a clinical student and a junior doctor.
6. Qualities to survive in the medical field.
7. The ideal work/study culture
(some of the topics will be addressed in sharing sessions)

- Sharing on past experience as a medical student and as a houseman.
- Tips and advice for participants’ inspiration and motivation.
- How to balance between medical and non-medical obligations.


a)Simulation of first aid situations
(These short presentations would simulate first aid situations and would be conducted by Practical Presentation Manager. Simulations would cover the common situations encountered every day in our daily lives)
i.Action in an emergency (asses situation check casualty check response open airways and so on…..)
iii.Severe bleeding
iv.Broken bones
(Guided steps can be obtained from First Aid book)
For this part, all participants would be divided into groups and each group needs to attend to casualties at ‘stations’, based on demonstrated steps learned through the previous practical presentation.

b)Medical exhibition
Medical equipments Sphygmomanometer, Holter monitor etc. (participants can try and practice the proper usage of the equipments)
Pictures on medical signs and symptoms (eg. Ophthalmoscopy, X-rays, skin diseases, posters)
Sounds (eg. Pathologic respiratory sounds like Stridor, crackles) 

What is Medical Career Day?

Medical Career Day (McD) is an event which was first organized by Self-Development Bureau of Czech Republic Malaysian Students Association, Prague Chapter (CzeMSA Praha) in the year 2009. Previously, this event involved Malaysian students studying in Prague and the offer was extended to those who are interested from Hradec Kralove and Olomouc. This year (2011), Medical Career Day(McD) would like to make a comeback in which, all three localities (Prague, Hradec and Olomouc) have agreed to collaborate under the name of CzeMSA (Main).

The idea of organizing McD is to help the students to cope with their life as a medical student and to understand better about the medical career in which they will be dealing with after their graduation. It is a well known fact that the medical line is not an easy field to work in and individuals in this field need to be mentally and physically prepared.

Realizing the demands required by medical study and career, it is always a good choice to prepare ourselves beforehand, so that we will be able to enjoy our lives as medical students and as doctors in the future. As a student body by the students for the students, it is part and parcel of CzeMSA’s responsibilities to organize such event.

In line with this is an intention to expose students to the realities of a medical career, especially the working conditions in Malaysia. We are hoping to bring experienced Malaysian doctors as speakers and here they can share their experiences, give useful advices, and tips.

We are hoping to enlighten the participants about the field they are about to enter in the future for their careers.

1.To expose and give a clear picture of clinical study years to the
2. Educating participants on the qualities needed for the survival of
overseas graduates working in Malaysia (Medical field)
3. To provide tips on handling stress as a medical student in preparation
to enter the real world.
4. To promote activism in students by giving exposure to how doctors can
contribute outside of the hospital and be agents of change beyond
just prescribing medications.
5. To provide an opportunity for participants to meet and share experiences
despite their hectic schedule.

Registration Form!